Return to Holy Card Heaven

"Love Me as I have loved you."

"Love Me as I have loved you."
Let us go with the shepherds and offer our hearts to the Divine Infant.
Bouasse Lebel, Paris pl 989
The 1st creche was inaugurated by St. Francis of Assisi 
in Grecio, 1220: "O, my brothers, I wanted to delight 
your hearts by this great Mystery which should absorb 
all the thoughts of our spirit, all the affections of our heart: 
our God becoming man!" from Life of St. Francis  
Letaille pl. 606

Frequently... when he wished to call Jesus Christ, 
he would call him simply The Child of Bethlehem; 
 his voice was more like the bleating of a sheep, 
his mouth filled more with sweet affection than with words.